Quantitative Analyst
Typ pracovního poměru:
Marketing reklama a PR
Popis pracovní pozice:
- Design, develop, and implement mathematical, statistical, and machine learning models for business decision-making.
- Partner with key stakeholders to drive the analytics agenda.
- Develop and improve models and tools to manage market and counterparty risk.
- Optimize inventory and financial resources.
- Provide daily support for front office trading activities.
- Contribute to the overall growth and success of the Prime Services business.
- Collaborate with technology teams to ensure analytical solutions have necessary data, development environments, and tools.
- Develop high-performing, well-documented analytics and models, demonstrating their effectiveness to business users and validation teams.
- Implement analytics and models in accurate, stable, and well-tested software, working with technology to operationalize them.
- Provide ongoing support for the continued effectiveness of analytics and modelling solutions.
- Ensure adherence to all Bank Enterprise Risk Management Policies, especially Model Risk Policy.
- Ensure all development activities comply with the defined control environment.
Požadavky na pracovníka:
Tuto pozici nabízí: Talentor Advanced Search, s.r.o.
Skupina Talentor je mezinárodní sítí společností poskytujících komplexní služby v oblasti řízení lidských zdrojů služeb v oblasti výběru a vyhledávání pracovníků.
Vyšehradská 423/27 ,Praha 2 ,12800
Kontaktní osoba:
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